Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Life changes...whether you like it or not. You change...whether you like it or not. What do you do when you are faced with the changes and need to make decisions?
For now, you keep plodding along trying to make things fit (and maybe some day they will). Then when the time is right you make the decision to keep doing that...or do the changing. Or, keep the change and not make a decision and then have Restless Body Syndrome*.
Maybe. I don't know. I do know that if you have Restless Leg Syndrome you can try putting a bar of soap (a "pure" one if you catch my drift) at the end of your bed and you will feel better. I put mine in with no wrapper and no facecloth under the fitted sheet. No symptoms for two weeks. At all.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Wow, double wow, triple WOW!!!!!!
I cannot believe how long I have left my little Bloggie alone. Poor thing. No attention. There there now.
It's no excuse but I've been terribly busy. Just a few days ago I was in for surgery. I needed to have some lumps removed from my elbow and two thighs. There are more but we started with these three. The lumps are called "lipoma" and are basically fat deposits but if in the wrong place or on the wrong person they can be painful and cause movement to be be limited. The one on my elbow caused me not to be able to lift or grasp anything.
As I am writing this I realise that my arm may not yet be up to typing for very long so this is it for the time being.
This is an update to let you know where I am at and that the future looks so bright I HAVE to wear shades.


This is very swollen and hurts a lot. As of today the swelling has gone down a lot but has become more painful. We will see what that's about later this week.