Monday, July 4, 2011

Life is not always a bowl of cherries. Sometimes it's the pits. Once in awhile, no matter how strong you are, things get a little rough. Even for me.
See, often folks think I am a rock. That I am strong and nothing gets to me. Usually, I can handle everything piled on me. Occasionally, I cannot fight the battle without some help.
Here's the thing. Remember I told you that I have RA and Lupus? Sometimes those conditions are so tiring. So debilitating. So exhausting. So painful. Sometimes it is all that and then "life" gets in the way too and sometimes you get the blues. I've got the BLUES. 
In January I stopped working so that I could enjoy my life. At the same time I went off my RA and Lupus medications. I went off them because I was taking them to be able to work. Not working? Why take the meds?
Needless to say, I am on some medication that will assist me to get back on track. Soon (as soon as I can get a specialist appointment) I will get back to my rheumatologist and get back on my proper immune suppressants. Sucks, but somebodies got to do it.
I am slowly getting back in the saddle again.


  1. Hang in there, Sparrow! We're pullin' for you.

  2. Love you. I'm sorry you've been feeling so down, and I hope you get your appointment soon. Also, I will bring you cherries.

  3. Thanks Mak and Kate.
    I LOVE cherries. You know, through all this I have still been positive and happy. It's probably my thyroid acting up. The last time I felt like this my thyroid was at "37".
    It will all be fine.
    I have excellent family and friends to help me out.
